07-27-2011 05:15 AM
final boolean validDiagram = invokeValidator(IntellixProcessValidator.VALIDATOR_ID, diagram, monitor);
if (!validDiagram) {
addProblemToDiagram(diagram, "Marshalling to " + getFormatName()
+ " format was skipped because validation of the diagram failed.", null);
} else {
InputStream stream = getInputStreamForDiagram(diagram);
saveResource(getRelativeURIForDiagram(diagram, FILENAME_PATTERN), stream, monitor);
public boolean validateDiagram(Diagram diagram, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
boolean valid = false;
monitor.beginTask("Activiti Intellix Validation", 1);
// Check correctness of the diagram
return valid;
08-09-2011 09:45 AM
08-09-2011 01:59 PM
08-10-2011 09:10 AM
08-10-2011 02:57 PM
08-11-2011 09:35 AM
08-11-2011 09:42 AM
08-11-2011 10:17 AM
public class ProcessValidator extends AbstractProcessValidator {
public final boolean validateDiagram(final Diagram diagram, final IProgressMonitor monitor) {
this.diagram = diagram;
this.monitor = monitor;
boolean valid = false;
// Clear markers for this diagram first
monitor.beginTask(VALIDATOR_NAME, 1);
valid = checkGetJob();
return valid;
* Checks if an receive task with the id "getjob" is in front of every end event.
* @return The correctness of the diagram.
private boolean checkGetJob() {
boolean valid = true;
final EList<EObject> contents = getResourceForDiagram(diagram).getContents();
for (final EObject object : contents) {
if (object instanceof EndEvent) {
final List<SequenceFlow> incomingFlows = ((EndEvent)object).getIncoming();
for (SequenceFlow flow : incomingFlows) {
if (!flow.getSourceRef().getId().equals("getjob")) {
"The last task before an EndEvent have to be a receive task with the Id \"getjob\"",
valid = false;
return valid;
08-11-2011 10:24 AM
08-11-2011 04:06 PM
08-12-2011 04:19 AM
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