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Own User Management. Not Internal implementation

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Activiti Developer.
In User Guide is described, that
In the jar file, all classes in packages that have .impl. (e.g. org.activiti.engine.impl.pvm.delegat...

In this forum (and in The "Activiti-in-Action" book.) exist tips how to use the separatied User Management with Activiti. But this approach bases on the java classes (User(Entity)Manager, GroupManager) assignded to Internal implementation classes (that have "impl" infix in package)

Are you planned to publish the public stable API for that??


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
No plans to make that stable, as it would probably require a refactoring to make them part of the stable package (and thus breaking the current implementations).

So I think a new way (stable package api) should be introduced to do this. But it's not currently planned, no.