I have the need to override the renderCellDescription function of Alfresco.Search.
My question is really about how to override that function. I am not very familiar with the YAHOO api.
I was able to override just the function that I need in DocumentList, as follow:
//Enable/disable (local) debug mode
var debug_mode = false;
* YUI Library aliases
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom, Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
* Alfresco Slingshot aliases
var $html = Alfresco.util.encodeHTML,
$isValueSet = Alfresco.util.isValueSet;
Alfresco.DocumentListViewRenderer.prototype.renderCellDescription = function DL_VR_renderCellDescription(scope, elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData){
This works fine for DocumentLibary, however AlfrescoSearch seem to be a bit different. The "renderCellDescription" function is defined inside the "Search_setupDataTable". How do i override it? Do I have to override the "Search_setupDataTable"? Or is there a way to override just the "renderCellDescription"?