I'm trying to override the Share client side javascript for the people-finder.The client side javascript resource for this declared in: people-finder.get.html.ftl.I have a share extension module that overrides the people-finder.get.html.ftl with the following:
<@markup id="new-js" action="replace" target="js">
<#– JavaScript Dependencies –>
<@script src="${url.context}/res/components/people-finder/people-finder-ext.js" group="people-finder"/>
My new people-finder client code is found in people-finder-ext.js. My When the page loads, I can see that both the original people-finder.js and the people-finder-ext.js are loaded. Why is that? Shouldn't my @markup with action="replace" be overriding the original reference to people-finder.js?Setting breakpoints in firebug shows that the people-finder.js is receiving/servicing the events and not people-finder-ext.js.