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Overriding or Extending

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have been playing around with Alfresco for about a month now.

I would like to know how to Override or Extend.
For example, the permissionDefinitions.xml

Instead of having to ssh into the server everytime I want to customize something, how would I override the file without changing the original?

I have tried copying it to the Models directory in the Data Dictionary to override, but nothing has changed.
Also, how would you extend something and when?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I think you to do some more reading in the wiki and read some articles on extending alfresco… Typically you would create an AMP file that contains the file paths and custom XML files you want to override. Then, apply that AMP file to the original Alfresco WAR file to 'merge' the two together.. The end result would be a WAR file containing both your overrides and the orignal alfresco files. You could prefix your files like custom-permissionDefinitions.xml and would containly on the spring bean definitions you want to override..

You can also place your files in <tomcat-home>/shared/classes/alfresco/extension and Alfresco should pick them up last. That has to be in your classpath of course to work.