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Overriding Email Templates

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi all,

Is there a convention for overriding email templates?

For example, I want to modify the email template for site invitiations. Instead of overwriting the "alfresco/templates/invite-email-templates/invite-email.html.ftl" template file, I'd like to add one to "alfresco/extension/templates/invite-email-templates/invite-email.html.ftl". I'm pretty sure this does not work, so am wondering what the approach is for doing this sort of thing.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
you should change the templates in the data dictionary.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
This is helpful.  If I change the template in a running 4.1.3 share instance I see different e-mails when I create a new custom document review.  However this just changed my server instance.  I am working with several others and I need to be able make the change in such a way as to overlay (or preempt) the default instance so that my colleagues and our staging and deployment servers can see the change.
We have a parallel development tree where we are putting our alfresco and share customizations.  We are putting our workflow and custom webscripts in an Ecplipse project drs-modue-alfreso/src/main/config/… and those are working fine.
Since wf-email.html.ftl is in alfresco/WebContent/WEB-INF/clases/alfresco/bootstrap/notification/wf-email-html.ftl
I created a parallel directory for the wf-email.html.ftl file in my Eclipse project in an attempt to override the default, but it seems more is required since the change did not affect the restarted server. 
Can you tell me what more I need to do to deploy a cusotmized wf-email.html.ftl file?

If there is something already written that talks to this question, please point me to it.
    Thanks in advance,

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Ok, thanks, Mike.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
  As part of customizing the notification email, I notice there is a patch service 'UpdateWorkflowNotificationTemplatesPatch' that seems would do the job. However, I can't find an example of its use. Could someone give an example of bootstrap-context.xml file that shows how it can be done?

