01-09-2009 04:59 AM
01-09-2009 05:28 AM
01-09-2009 06:18 AM
<#assign weekms=1000*60*60*24*7>
<#assign count=0>
<#– get the filter mode from the passed in args –>
<#– filters: 0=all, 1=word, 2=html, 3=pdf, 4=recent –>
<#if args.f?exists && args.f?length!=0><#assign filter=args.f?number><#else><#assign filter=0></#if>
<#if args.h?exists>
<#assign docs=companyhome.nodeByReference[args.h].children?sort_by('name')>
<#assign docs=companyhome.childrenByLuceneSearch[args.q]?sort_by('name')>
<#list docs as d>
<#if d.isDocument>
<#if (filter=0) ||
(filter=1 && d.mimetype="application/msword") ||
(filter=2 && d.mimetype="text/html") ||
(filter=3 && d.mimetype="application/pdf") ||
(filter=4 && (dateCompare(d.properties["cm:modified"],date,weekms) == 1 || dateCompare(d.properties["cm:created"], date, weekms) == 1))>
<#assign count=count+1>
04-24-2009 05:28 AM
<#assign weekms=1000*60*60*24*7>
<#assign count=0>
<#– get the filter mode from the passed in args –>
<#– filters: 0=all, 1=word, 2=html, 3=pdf, 4=recent –>
<#if args.f?exists && args.f?length!=0><#assign filter=args.f?number><#else><#assign filter=0></#if>
<#if args.h?exists>
<#assign docs=companyhome.nodeByReference[args.h].children?sort_by('displayPath ')>
<#assign docs=companyhome.childrenByLuceneSearch[args.q]?sort_by('displayPath ')>
<#list docs as d>
<#if d.isDocument>
<#if (filter=0) ||
(filter=1 && d.mimetype="application/msword") ||
(filter=2 && d.mimetype="text/html") ||
(filter=3 && d.mimetype="application/pdf") ||
(filter=4 && (dateCompare(d.properties["cm:modified"],date,weekms) == 1 || dateCompare(d.properties["cm:created"], date, weekms) == 1))>
<#assign count=count+1>
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