Hello everybody, I migrate my mail server to zimbra on May and all is working perfect. We have mail, share calendar and contacts with clients using windows/thunderbird. Now I am trying to move the file share from samba and Windows to alfresco. I download the community edition install in a test machine and start to play around. The potential of this tool is BIG congratulations to all people that works on it. So I install Alfresco, then I move the db backend to Mysql without much work… Works fine ! Second phase change the authentication, on zimbra I have a LDAP (Based on OpenLDAP) so I think use it to make a Single Sign On… With the documentation from wiki and some google I can autenticate my web ui on the Zimbra Server. But then I try to use the CIF to connect from explorer and nothing happend… I look better to the wiki´s docs and find that I can´t authenticate against a LDAP server from CIF. I search the forum and find some solutions in a post from vycitalr (http://forums.alfresco.com/en/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12633) I am trying this but I want to ask if there is another way to integrate this 2 solutions (Zimbra, Alfreco) or if anyone have a better idea to implement alfresco.