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Open Source collaborative infrastructure (Zimbra, Alfresco)

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hello everybody,
I migrate my mail server to zimbra on May and all is working perfect. We have mail, share calendar and contacts with clients using windows/thunderbird.
Now I am trying to move the file share from samba and Windows to alfresco. I download the community edition install in a test machine and start to play around. The potential of this tool is BIG congratulations to all people that works on it.
So I install Alfresco, then I move the db backend to Mysql without much work… Works fine ! Second phase change the authentication, on zimbra I have a LDAP (Based on OpenLDAP) so I think use it to make a Single Sign On… With the documentation from wiki and some google I can autenticate my web ui on the Zimbra Server. But then I try to use the CIF to connect from explorer and nothing happend… I look better to the wiki´s docs and find that I can´t authenticate against a LDAP server from CIF. I search the forum and find some solutions in a post from vycitalr ( I am trying this but I want to ask if there is another way to integrate this 2 solutions (Zimbra, Alfreco) or if anyone have a better idea to implement alfresco.

Thanks a lot!
Guilherme Gaspar

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We are also working on integrating Zimbra and Alfresco, both using zimlets and single sign on..

We are pretty close to getting things working.

Have you made any progress on your efforts?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Any progress on integrating Zimbra and Alfresco?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Checkout Episode 16 of the Alfresco Tech Talk to see demo of the Alfresco / Zimbra integration.