This document contains the notes collected during the weekly Alfresco Office Hours since the very beginning, the 7th of June 2018. The purpose of the document is to collect the notes of each meeting. We decided NOT to record the meetings to be more open and free in the discussion.
Feel free to edit this document, if you see something to add or adjust.
Please do not change the comment if you were not be in the call and consider this as a collaborative content of the entire Internal & External Eco-System of Tech Enthusiasts in Alfresco technology.
More important than every other topic: feel free to join our next Office Hours and raise new (or known) topics for your benefit and the benefit of the entire Community. Office Hours is an opportunity to get in touch all together, to create a better and healthy eco-system around the Alfresco solutions.
Looking forward to see you there.
Table of content
- 29th of November 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- 20thofSeptember 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- 06thofSeptember 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- 23rdofAugust 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- 10th ofAugust 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- 26th of July 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- 12th of July 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- 5th of July 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- 28th of June 2018- Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- 21th of June 2018- Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- 14th of June 2018-Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- 7th of June 2018-Thursday, 15:30 UTC
29th of November 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- Attendees - Kristen Gastaldo, Ole Hejlskov, Francesco Corti, Leonardo Mattioli, Axel Faust
- Francesco Corti and Leonardo Mattioli discussed about the hackathon at DevCon and the suggestion to find a project / Team Leader with experience and learn during the work.
- Leonardo Mattioli updates on the italian meetup in Modena happened few weeks ago.
20th of September 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- Francesco Corti updated on the DevCon submissions (140+) and asked to the external community to start thinking about the people we would like to include into the Selection Committee (n.2 people). Axel Faust sent a communication to the Order Of The Bee mailing list to start the discussion.
- John Knowles (Product Manager for ACA ... e many more), Denys Vuika (Principal Developer of ACA... and many more), Mario Romano (Director of Engineering for the ADF ... and many more) joined the call to discuss some questions about Alfresco Content Application (ACA).
- Kristen Gastaldo reminded the Alfresco Global Virtual Hackathon that is going to happen the 5th of October... join us there.
06th of September 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- Doug Johnson (Product Manager for BPM), Mauricio Salatino (Team Leader for Activiti), Bassam Al-Sarori (Senior Developer for APS) joined the call to discuss some questions and roadmap for Activiti / APS.
23rd of August 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
10th of August 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
Stefan Kopf and Younes REGAIEG discussed further details on the thread here.
Discussion around Jira and the fact that some tickets are not searchable. Alex Strachan confirms further details about the fact that some tickets are hidden because they contain personal (or reserved) info. Alfresco is trying to publish as much tickets as we can, but sometimes we must hide them. Axel Faust shares a couple of tickets that are not searchable, despite they are public (ALF-21812 and ALF-21855). Action: Stefan Kopf volunteers to raise an internal ticket to submit the issue to the right team/department.
Smart Folders: There is an ongoing concern about some explicit limitations that are clearly described into the source code (we spent some time checking the code from Axel's desktop). The comments in the source code refer to User Stories and the limitations are a consequence of the decision to "limit" the scope of the development and postpone enhancements to future releases. Unfortunately, smart folders has not been enhanced more (yet) and the capabilities seems to be limited "too much". Would be nice to see what was available in OpenWorkdesk.
Francesco Corti suggests to collect the requested enhancements in one place and submit it to the Alfresco Team (as we did in the past for ADF).Axel Faust shares he is working on a PR, collecting several enhancements, hoping (at least some) will be accepted. Francesco Corti offers his support to contact the Alfresco Team and discover (and hopefully remove) possible concerns or obstacle. Francesco Corti takes a note to follow up on this in one month.
Younes REGAIEG started a discussion on influencing the features developed as soon as possibile, not seeing them only after the development has been completed. We will cover more of this in the next sessions... time passes fast and the hour is finished. 😉
26th of July 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- Discussion around a possible ADF context (discussed also in previous Office Hours). The rules could be:
- Announcement about the content/goals 36 hours in advance to the event.
- We could setup a training in advance to it, just to introduce the newbies to the ADF framework. Half a day or something like that.
- Promotion should start before to spread the word also in other communities.
- About the Office Hours.
- In this summer period we decide to move to be a bi-weekly meeting.
- We could use slido to collect questions in advance and discuss them there.
- To have more non-alfrescan, we could share the names of some Alfrescans who will attend the meeting.
- Kristen Gastaldo suggests to use another tool for Tech Talk Lives. Maybe GotoWebinar. We often have issues with Youtube. Axel Faust suggests to guarantee the anonymous authentication and the post-release on youtube.
- Axel Faust highlights that the Content Services Community 6.0 cannot be built because the AOS 1.2.0 on Nexus is not available in public (but to logged users only). Francesco Corti will check and share a feedback.
12th of July 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- Vítor Moreira joined the call and shared his experience on APS certification: congrats Vitor!
- Selection Committee of DevCon 2019: Francesco Corti suggests to repeat the last year's experience of having someone of the Order Of The Bee into the Selection Committee.
- Axel Faust talks about the Order Of The Bee Board and we discussed the opportunity to setup a public webinar presenting it to the broad public. (maybe in Sept).
- Global Virtual Hackathon => Francesco Corti shares that Alfresco is starting to involve the Teams.
- Angel Borroy suggests an idea for a new Tech Talk Live => Migrating from ACS 5 to ACS 6. Angel suggests to have some stories to face and show because the broad topic of the migration could be too much complex for a hands-on. One suggested story: Not containerized to Dockerised scenario. Stefan Kopf on the call, will start talking to the team about this opportunity.
- Tech Talk Live on Docker Tips => planned for the next week.
- Axel Faust asks: how resilient the heartbeat on ACS side? What happen if someone changes the behaviour of the info sent to heartbeat? Derek Hulley, Stefan Kopf: we don't expect to be something that a developer could be interested on doing, but the heartbeat is designed to be resilient. It could a good idea to test it into an hackathon project as a proof.
- Vítor Moreira: t’s feasible to implement the a basic Share application in angular/adf? I think that’s the missing piece to adopt widely ADF. Francesco Corti: I'm trying to organise a webinar with John Knowles and Ole Hejlskov on this topic... stay tuned.
5th of July 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- After talking with Alfresco engineering, it looks like Sept 21 isn't ideal. We've moved the event to October 5th. Axel Faust will post a blog and Kristen Gastaldo will share on Alfresco channels (newsletters, social media, etc).
- Voting for Order of the Bee leadership has ended. Alfresco and OOTBee will work together to host an event to introduce OOTBee mission, leadership, and in general to the larger community.
- We discussed ACS 6.0, which will have a GA release in July. It seemed that there wasn't much communication about the late June release for community, and this may be something that fell through, with the lack of a new Richard Esplin. Kristen Gastaldo will work to ensure we communicate community releases. Axel Faust remains annoyed with Jive's naming of documents, noting that the release notes still say "draft."
- The community has asked for an update on the renaming artifacts discussion we had at the 1st office hours. The community went from 2 to 3 digits and added GA, noting that non-numeric characters have caused issues for some. Francesco Corti - any news?
- Office Hours attendance from outside Alfresco is still lower than hoped. We discussed possibly offering OH every other week, making it earlier in the day, and adding topics or at least announced "special guests" and their expertise.
- Community was also asking if there was an update around this topic -
28th of June 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- Alfresco Virtual Hack-a-thon - We decided to try for the 21st of Sep. The 05th of Oct could be an alternative. Axel Faust will start to setup the content to prepare to host the projects and contributions.
- Francesco Corti and Kristen Gastaldo share an update on the Meetup initiative. Moscow is on the radar for the fall and Brussels, London in Sep.
- Younes REGAIEG, Francesco Corti and Kristen Gastaldo are experimenting Networkapp - The best networking tool! to be used for the Devcon. The feedback is positive until now.
- About the Alfresco Addons topic. Francesco Corti offers the opportunity to host the list of Addons into an official Alfresco Github repository. The repo will be opened to contributions. Kristen Gastaldo introduced the "developer portal initiative" where the addon list could be easily searched and accessed. We will wait for July to give more time to share feedback and then we will start creating it. Kristen Gastaldo, Francesco Corti, Jeff Potts, Axel Faust and Younes REGAIEG will write a blog post to invite people to review it.
21th of June 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
Francesco Corti creates this document.
Hackathon, virtual, September (or October), friday. The hackathon should cover all the topics, not ADF only.
Ole Hejlskov shares that the ADF Team is working making it working with Activiti 7, without the distinction between Community + Enterprise.
Axel Faust and Zarogina Azocar discussed about Alfresco University. Axel says that could be great to have numbers around passes/rejection in certification process and would be great to have a blog or something where to say: the most common problems are ... the most common failures are ...
Zarogina Azocar shares that the right process to improve/correct the questions are raising a ticket in the customer portal (if your are a partner/customer) or sending an email to
Idea. an ADF Contest/Challenge. We could do something like a contest as we did in the past for Share Dashlets. One month where people hack and then the showcase + reward. Something overlapping (but different) from the hackathon.
14th of June 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- Discussion about transactionality in future of ACS (esp. considering move to micro-services and external extensions). Brian Remmington shares that we are not aware about major issues / requirements but could be great to know more, especially use cases.
- Brian Remmington shares an update on the identity services. Based on Keycloak. Already available as an integration on ACS 6 but more will do (and documented) in the future. A request from the people was to us an LTS version of Keycloak.
- ACS 6.0 and Activiti Engine bundled. Brian Remmington shares that the suggested approach is to have APS/Activiti separated from ACS.
- About ACS and Keycloak. One request from digcat _ has been to release using a LTS version Keycloak.
7th of June 2018 - Thursday, 15:30 UTC
- Nice to see some Alfrescans coming from various Teams (Engineers, PMs, Sales, Professional Services, etc.).
- Some issue with the timezones, probably, and someone show up after the end of the hour.
- Roadmap should be better described to Partners and Customers. Too few regular updates. Is suggested a document somewhere, regularly updated. In the past it was in the Alfresco Wiki (public website) and it was appreciated. No problem if some features or deadlines will be missed.
- Partners and Customers are not aware about the dates of the releases but also "what" will be released. The issue is connected to the fact that the external teams (Customers included) cannot plan the update and this is a problem.
- Too many Jira tickets are private. We all understand that some Customers Info could be there, but too many of them are hidden and the external community is not aware about the fixes in each release.
- Changing naming in artifacts is a problem because it breaks some technical tasks. This happens too often and we discovered that it is mainly a marketing request (followed by the teams), that has an impact on the external developers.