Thank you jbarrez. How sweet of you. I did what you said but that is not the case. The "Recipient" task can assign either/all of the three tasks (<strong>ResponseMeBack</strong>, <strong>Assignment</strong> and <strong>ForYourInfo</strong>) to different users. That is why I used <strong>inclusive gateway</strong> from "Recipient" to these 3 tasks. But where I am stuck let me explain:
Suppose first time a user, initiator, is at "Recipient" task. He/she assigns all of three tasks (ResponseMeBack, Assignment and ForYourInfo) to different users.
ResponseMeBack to user A,
Assignment to user B and
ForYourInfo to user C.
Suppose user B, at Assignment task, executes all the three tasks again to 3 different users. User A's response will come back to the initiator who again can execute the three tasks.
That is where I am not able to come up with the proper use of gateways. I hope I am able to make you understand.