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Need to access processVariables in convertFormValueToModelValue()

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have been searching the forum now very deeply, but I couldn't find any topic that fits for my problem:

I write my own custom FormType (extends AbstractFormType). I wanted to do it analog to the more complex "ProcessDefinitionFormType" example explained in

The difference to the example above is, that my Modelobjects are stored in a List-Attribute of a Bean class, which itself is a processVariable. I retrieve that Bean in a taskListener when a new processinstance starts and put it also into the processVariables from there.

My problem now is, that the convertFormValueToModelValue()-Method does not know, which ProcessInstance is currently involved. It only knows the "propertyValue"- argument. Is there a way to get the missing link?

The same problem exists for my implementation of the AbstractFormPropertyRenderer. In order to populate the ComboBox, I must iterate over the list in the Bean.

Many thanks in advance,

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I'm not sure, but can you get the current ExecutionContext (Context.getExecutionContext():smileywink:, that would give you the current execution and thus the process instance.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Joram,
thanks, but I could neither find a class named "Context" nor "ExecutionContext". In which jar file are they included?
thanks again,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
ups, I only looked into the api-docs. I found the classes in the impl packages. sorry for stealing your time. Finally I must decide for myself, if I want to use an impl class directly in my source code (I mean from a "design-technical" point of view).

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
sorry, I need to follow up once more. If I used activiti-cdi, would it then be possible to inject activiti-stuff into my custom form type? If yes, which scope suits best for that case? => This maybe turns out to become a more general question: Which Scope suits best for the other stuff I extend, like TaskListeners, especially when i am inside the activiti-explorer.war (to be more precise: we are trying to use activiti-stuff only inside the explorer webapp and plan to make REST-calls into a completely separate EAR file (which itself is unaware of activiti) for the "real" business logic stuff).
Thanks again,

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
> Finally I must decide for myself, if I want to use an impl class directly in my source code

Valid point. Those impl classes are indeed not seen as 'stable' vs the API.

>  If I used activiti-cdi, would it then be possible to inject activiti-stuff into my custom form type

Im not sure about CDI (not my main knowledge) - but if the form stuff is in a bean that should work. However, I don't know how this setup would look as the order if injecting will probably have influence.
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