Hi there
I'm an Alfresco newbie, so please excuse me for any stupid question. I swear I searched extensively before posting !
I installed several Alfresco versions in the past weeks, including community 4.2.c, d and e, and enterprise 4.1.6 [edit] now running 4.2.0 enterprise [/edit]. Each time I did it on a freshly installed and updated 64 bits Debian 7.1.
The issue is, with some installations previews of MS Office documents (files from Office 2003 to 1013) work, with others they don't. I follow the exact same procedure each time (see bellow), but get various results. Sometimes previews stop working for no apparent reason, and restarting the service or rebooting doesn't help. [edit] never worked with 4.2.0 enterprise [/edit]
Here's the exhaustive list of the steps of my latest installations :
1 - as recommanded on Jira for that preview issue : apt-get install libice6 libsm6 libxt6 libxrender1 libfontconfig1 libcups2
2 - install Alfresco 4.2.e on fresh 64 bits Debian 7.1 in "easy mode", all default parameters.
3 - reboot (4.2.e only, to deal with the preview bug mentioned in the release note).
4 - login, create site then upload files (xls, doc, pdf, from recent and old versions of MS Office)
5 - "preparing preview" followed by "file cannot be previewed" error
I searched for solutions for quite a long time. Most were about older versions of Alfresco and dealt with openoffice installation, but, unless I'm wrong, recent ones already include it.
I tried several fixes I found on this forum (lately editing alfresco-global.properties as follows : "ooo.enabled=false" and "jodconverter.enabled=true"), with no luck.
The random nature of that issue makes it quite frustrating to me. If that's of any help, I installed Alfresco on two different machines. One on a Proxmox virtual machine with a pretty old host (quite slow), one on a VmWare virtual machine with a very powerful host. Both have at least the required 2Gb of ram.
Most likely I'm missing a basic configuration step, I doubt that's just a common bug…
I attached my latest alfresco.log file. It comes from the 4.1.6 enterprise version, still functioning normally.
Thanks in a advance for any input. I'd gladly give any additional detail needed.