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No alf_start.bat or alf_stop.bat

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have installed 3.4 community and it seems to be running fine.  However, no alf_start.bat or alf_stop.bat files were created.  My installation is not to the standard c:\alfresco but rather to d:\alfresco_3.4.  I do not have sufficient disk space on c:.  I have had other versions of Alfresco installed on this box but in other folders (d:\alfresco_beta and d:\alfresco_3).  I did not configure to run as a service.  How do I start and stop alfresco without the .bat files?  Do I just shut down tomcat and restart?  Any help would be appreciated.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
just use the alf_start.bat from your old install  and edit the batch file with your new path?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for the idea.  I tried it but didn't work.  It seems that there is no alfresco.bat file in the path.  Also no alfresco.log file.  In investigating further I found that it was running as a service on the box and the logging was going to stdout.log for tomcat. 

Not sure how it got set up as a service but everything seems to be OK now.
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