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New Install on CentOS6 - Can't access Alfresco

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I just installed a basic CentOS 6 box (64 bit), downloaded Alfresco 4 and attempted to install it. 

The installation looks increadibly easy and basic.  After a few simple questions were answered the installation finished without error. 

However, I can not access alfresco via IP address, or FQDN.    At first I thought it might be firewall related, so I disabled iptables but that didnt help. 

Does anyone have any ideas???  I'm not sure why such a basic and simple install…just doesnt work…

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

It are probably 4.0 issues you are getting. If you still can find the download, you'd better get the previous version: 3.4.d, that installs fine on CentOS 6 / 64. If that works OK, i suggest you wait when the 4.0 release gets more mature.

Below is the install configuration that works for CentOS 6.0.

#Alfresco base server
#your network settings
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
rootpw  ocserfla
firewall –disabled
authconfig –enableshadow –passalgo=sha512 –enablefingerprint
selinux –disabled
timezone –isUtc Asia/Shanghai
bootloader –location=mbr

clearpart –all –initlabel
part swap –size=500 –ondisk=vda
part / –fstype ext4 –grow –size=100 –ondisk=vda

%packages –excludedocs –instLangs=en

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Oh, and the configuration I posted before is part of a kickstart configuration file. Put it somewhere on a Web server as ks.cfg, google how to use kickstart and you have a 100% guarantee you will get Alfresco running in no time.