This looks promising and is a good way in the right direction.
One remark: the users work in Share, nog Alfresco Explorer. So I need to find the right files and code for Share.
To further explain what I'd like the situation to be:
- I'm the only "super" admin.
- There are some other admins who can work with users groups, but can't change other admin's (and normal users's, if necessary) passwords.
- There are a bunch of normal users with normal permissions.
I think there are two options to get to this situation:
1. Make it so that "normal" administrators can't change other user's passwords, but have all the other permissions.
2. Let users access the administrator console, so they can work with user groups. Problem with thius might be that normal users can put themselves in the admin usergroup, so they can get full permissions.
I think option 1 is the better/safer solution, if combined with diabling access to Alfresco explorer for everyone but the super admin. In that case t is possible to disable the change other user's passwords in Share alltogether. That way only the super admin can change passwords in Alfresco Explorer
Does this clarify things?
Up till now, you've been a great help.