I am beginning to get familiar with alfresco and have questions about the CIFS NetBios name server. If I also run samba (print mostly, some file sharing) on the same machine may I disable Alfresco's NetBios name server without creating problems? Also, if possible, in what file is this done?
Installation has been a piece of cake; looks very promising so far.
To run without the NetBIOS name server you would need to run Alfresco using the native SMB interface on port 445 only, and run Samba using NetBIOS.
In the file-servers.xml configuration file in WEB-INF/classes/alfresco comment out the <netBIOSSMB …/> configuration item or remove 'linux' from the list of platforms.
To access the Alfresco CIFS server from a Windows PC you can then use a UNC path with the IP address, ie. \\n.n.n.n, or add an entry to DNS/local hosts file. The name used for DNS should be different to the standard host name or Samba is likely to pickup the request.