I'm new to Alfresco configuration, so bear with me. I've searched for an answer to this, but nothing I've found works.
I want to change the tooltips (the text that pops up when I hover over the icons) for the document icons, e.g., the icons for edit-online, edit-offline, download. These strings are defined in the file documentlist.get.properties. If I change this file itself, my new strings are shown. The strings that I want to change are:
However, I'd rather make this change as an extension for maintainability reasons.
I've followed posted directions on adding property strings and added the file webclient.properties and in it defined my new text strings, using the same property names as above. I've placed the file in $ALFRESCO_HOME/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/extension.
When I start the Alfresco server, with some debugging turned on, I see the message:
Located and loaded bundle alfresco.extension.webclient
I *think* this means my strings were loaded. Right?
In any case, my new property strings are not displayed when I hover over the icons.
Any suggestions?