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Multilingual Website Content

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Could you please explain me what is multilingual translation workflow support feature of WCM?

I have a requirement as below, could you please suggest how the translation workflow support feature of WCM can come into picture for this. We are having WCM on staging environment and deploying on DM on content delivery servers.

We'll have English content entered via the normal content entry process in WCM, and the related translation versions in other languages will be translated by a 3rd party vendor.

It would be really helpful if you could provide me the strong guidance on this.

Looking forward for the answer at the earliest.


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Hi All,

It would be really great if someone please reply to my above post and please help me with Translation workflow feature of WCM.

Thanks in advance.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
This is primarily a content modeling (and possibly repository) design question that has been discussed in the past (e.g. [1]).

How the process of creating the various translated assets is managed is up to you, but workflow is a logical (and popular) choice.  Depending on how the 3rd party translation service works, you might orchestrate their services directly from the workflow (e.g. via REST or SOAP calls), or you might trigger a manual (person) task and have that person coordinate with the 3rd party.  The jBPM workflow engine is powerful enough to support both use cases - which is the right one depends more on the details of the 3rd party translation service than anything specific to Alfresco or jBPM.


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