01-06-2010 10:28 AM
01-06-2010 11:48 AM
01-07-2010 04:41 AM
02-15-2010 10:17 AM
02-16-2010 04:36 AM
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02-17-2010 04:35 AM
02-17-2010 04:52 AM
Strange is, that in the document http://wiki.alfresco.com/w/images/2/25/Managing_Alfresco_Content_from_within_Microsoft_Office.pdf is written, that it should be opened from the port 7070…That document is referring to the Sharepoint connector - i.e. native Office & Sharepoint support. For that scenario, you wouldn't use the Microsoft Office add-in, as that was our "Sharepoint equivalent" before Microsoft were made to open-up the protocols and we could support it natively.
Anyway my goal was to see and edit my custom properties, what is not possible - there are only the standard ones visible without a chance to edit…No, the Office add-in doesn't currently support this and there are no immediate plans to add it. Feel free to raise an issue in JIRA with your requirements and it may get prioritised in the future.
Does anybody know, whether it is possible?
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