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moving docs

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I`ve question. Earlier i had "mess" (because i still learning and trying Smiley Happy )in my share(strange site`s name, problem with rooles, etc) . Now i decide to make new share with clean database. In prev database i have docs repository and blog and wiki. Can I export/import to new database?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
You can export and import using the Explorer client (/alfresco), but that means you will lose the version history and some, but not all, metadata. Tags are lost, but not Description and Author for instance. Also, all imported documents will be owned by the importing user and the created and last modified dates will be set to the import date.

It probably won't work to export the entire site space, it's better to export each part of the site (the document library, the blog etc) by itself, then you create a new site with the same name, after you've cleaned out the db and content, and import your files (and wiki and blog pages, which are also files) into the new structure.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
it`s great!
Thanks for help.
Could You tell me, when I can find files export?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
It's in the Explorer client (the one on host:8080/alfresco). Navigate to your site (Company Home/Sites/sitename). Then click on the View Details icon for the folder (or space, as Alfresco calls it) you wan't to export, for instance documentLibrary. On the Details page, select Export in the Actions menu, on the right side.

You can then choose to export all the files in the folder, but not the folder itself, which is what you wan't to do. Then, when you have recreated the database you can create a new site with the same name, Alfresco will then create a folder named documentLibrary, Wiki and so on and you can then import your files into those folders. This is pretty much done the same way as the export.