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Monitoring the status of an advanced workflow

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Is there a way, in the Web Client UI, to monitor the status of an advanced workflow?

The use case is the following: when creating a workflow, it should be possible to nominate one or more users that can "monitor" the execution of the workflow and eventually take action on each workflow step on behalf of the actual owner of the step.

The monitor capability can be useful if a team manager wants to have a list of all workflows processed by the people in his team, the status of each workflow and so on.

The feature should also allow the monitor to pause, stop or resume a worfkow, or to reassign a certain workflow step to another user.

As far as I've seen, these features are not present in the Web Client UI. Correct, or the feature is hidden somewhere?

And in case this is a confirmed UI limitation, has anyone in the Community developed a "workflow monitoring" feature, as described above?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

I think you will have to code this for yourself. But if there is another way I would be interested in the solution.

kind regards,


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
It's the kind of response I was fearing… 🙂

I've no doubt that such a feature can be developed.

But it's a bit surprising to see the feature missing in the product.

Being able to manage workflows but not being able to monitor their progress is not a small limitation.

I know that the support for JBPM is quite recent, but my hope is that someone else in the developer's community had already faced and solved the requirement.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Well the integrated solution you want is not avaiable, but you can retrieve alto of information using the dashlets in "my alfresco". These dashlets include task to do, all active tasks.

Also you can build a custom freemarker template showing all tasks, maybe sorted on workflow but I am not sure about this.

The most beautiful solution is to code it in java, but that will take a while to get it right.

kind regards,


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
In HEAD, we've just added a workflow javascript api covering all workflow capabilities.  This allows admin type capabilities to be added fairly simply with web scripts.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Ahem… what is HEAD? (I'm sure I'm missing something obvious…)

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
HEAD is referred to the Concurrent Versioning Sistems, a developement system often used in large projects and open source projects. Imagine a file server with the sources of the program. This server contains at the same time every version of a program (1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,2.0,2.1,…), often both at file level and application level.
In any moment you can tag every file in project so you can reconstrct a particular version in time.

HEAD is a special tag, that simply means the most up to date version of the project.

Here the suggestion is to download the same version being developed by developers, directly from their server…