Once the above changes are in place how is the choice property used? I tried adding a priority property to stencilset.json using:
"name" : "priorityListPackage",
"properties" : [{
"id": "priorityList",
"type": "choice",
"title": "Priority List",
"value": "Medium",
"description": "Select a priority item from the list",
"popular" : true,
"items": [
Then to test the choice property type I added the prioritypackage to the usertask activity in stencilset.json to test the list property:
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "priorityListPackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "multiinstance_typepackage", "multiinstance_cardinalitypackage", "multiinstance_collectionpackage", "multiinstance_variablepackage", "multiinstance_conditionpackage", "isforcompensationpackage", "usertaskassignmentpackage", "formkeydefinitionpackage", "duedatedefinitionpackage", "prioritydefinitionpackage", "formpropertiespackage", "tasklistenerspackage" ],
When I add a user task and select the node I do not see the new property. Am I missing something else that needs to be done?