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Migration to SOLR

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Dear all,

I'm in the process of migration from Alfresco 3.4.7 to 4.0.2 and now I'm trying to move from Lucene to Solr indexes.

The problem is that I can't get Solr to rebuild a complete index.

From the share/page/console/admin-console/solr page, I can see the following details regarding indexing:
Indexing in Progress: Yes
Index Lag (Seconds): 1342427663 s
Last Indexed Transaction: 0
Approx Transactions to Index: 190555
Approx Index Time Remaining: - 0 Seconds

The only thing that changes is index lag (constantly growing).

I checked Solr status from JMX console and I can see the following values:
Current: true
MaxDocument: 5301
NumDocuments: 5299

Basically, Solr indexed just some system files, but none of the migrated documents from any of the sites.

Any ideas?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi Blob,

There was a Tech Talk Live webinar last Wednesday where Martin Bergljung from Ixxus mentioned something on re-indexing.
He wrote in his notes for the webinar (😞

5.How would I rebuild the index from scratch Note: the index.recovery.mode=FULL is not used by SOLR - only lucene
1.Stop the SOLR web app
2.Delete the index data directory for each core
3.Optionally, delete the models cached on the SOLR side for each core (e.g. …\archive-SpacesStore\alfrescoModels\*)
4.Start the SOLR web app

You can watch the webinar here:
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