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deploy_start.bat scripts fail to work

HiI'm running the comunity edition and downloaded the Deployment server from when I run  the deploy_start.bat  scripts fail to work. The deploy_start.bat script fails silently (th...

luislancos by Champ in-the-making
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simbolic link between two folders

Hi,we have to do a hard modification in current version of share for our customer.We have to replace the "documentLibray" folder by an other folder in an other space.Is it possible to create a symbolic link between the current "documentLibrary" folde...

jnjp28 by Champ in-the-making
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[Activiti] intégration avec Alfresco ?

Bonjour,Activiti est présenté comme le nouveau moteur de workflow intégré à Alfresco dans les prochaines versions.Comment cette intégration est-elle prévue ?Le modeleur sera-t-il intégré à l'interface pour permettre à certains profils de définir leur...

rjego by Champ in-the-making
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SSO Konfiguration

Hallo Zusammen,wir sind zur Zeit dabei ein Alfresco System 3.2r2 aufzusetzen. Hauptsächlich benutzen wir /share, es werden jedoch Dokumente von /alfresco eingebunden - in jedem User Dashboard. Leider klappt die Konfiguration des SSo nicht so wie im W...

rock by Champ in-the-making
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xml meta data extractor doesn't work with DOCTYPE

Hello,I noticed that my xml meta data extractor doesn't work when the content (xml, of course) has <!DOCTYPE > declaration. I'm using the built-in XML extractor, just like the sample. I get log message:No working metadata extractor could be found:   ...

kilo by Champ in-the-making
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Printing from Alfresco

Does Alfresco contain any ability to print documents directly?  OR to print the entire results from a query?

ebell by Champ in-the-making
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Obtener documento con path

Hola a todos,estoy intentando obtener un fichero de tipo doc (definido por mi) de mi repositorio.Para acceder uso la llamadanodes = WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService().get(new Predicate(new Reference[]{new Reference(store, null, path)}, store, n...

joherrero by Champ in-the-making
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Emails entrantes cuenta anónima

Hola!!tengo configurado alfresco para que lleguen correos a un buzón de faxes. Si los correos los envian usuarios que tengo definidos en alfresco, funciona correctamente… el problema que tengo es el siguiente:Hemos configurado una impresora para que ...

Unable to query cmis:name?

Hi, I'm retrieving data from Alfresco (3.3.0g community) from another application, using OpenCMIS SQL queries. Please take a look at these query results:QUERY:  select cmis:name from cmis:documentRESULT: 1 document retrieved, cmis:name = something.pd...

ajperez by Champ in-the-making
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Regla de Especialización de Contenidos

Hola buenas!Soy un novaton con esto de Alfresco y necesitaba una manita, haber si alguien me puede ayudar:Me creado un contenido nuevo en alfresco para especializar los archivos que introduzca en un direcctorio especifico. Por eso iba a utilizar las ...

dreamcifra by Champ in-the-making
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