Since several months we are in production with Activity 5.10 integrated in our Software (internet portal for partners). Use of Yaoquiang.
Trying to migrate toward 5.12 we face the followings problems :
1. lanes/lanesets are not anymore parsed (or at least stored in ProcessDefinitionImpl). We were using that property to know (in our business environment) the list of activities that shoud be executed by a Role … without doing that at Activity level. Example :
<lane id="Garagiste" name="Garagiste">
<lane id="cari" name="cari">
<lane id="SA" name="SA">
2. the property attributes are not anymore parsed ( or at least stored in activities from ScopeImpl).
Example :
<userTask completionQuantity="1" id="_8" implementation="##unspecified" isForCompensation="false" name="Confirmer" startQuantity="1">
<property id="_8_P_1" name="Form_AN_VEHI_CONFIRMER"/>
<property id="_8_P_2" name="F_Valider"/>
<property id="_8_P_3" name="D_next_Senden"/>
<property id="_8_P_4" name="F_next_Soumettre"/>
<property id="_8_P_5" name="NOback"/>
<property id="_8_P_6" name="D_Bestätigen"/>
Where to find these attributes in the BPMN representation in Activiti. OR (may be this is the right question), what shoud we use to Simulate/Implement theses needs (BPMN elements or Activiti elements) :
- define which role is linked to activities
- define some (static) properties for an Activity (for example, FormLabel in multi-language, or is there a next/back/save action possible))
Hoping this is clear enough for you !!!
Thanks a lot