Tenants are in the same database as the main storage. So you cannot have forgotten "a part of". Only tenant files (alf_data) are in separated folders, and even without those folders, you should see tenant list in alfresco.
You can check your tenant list in table "alf_tenant"
Sorry for the stupid question, but are you sure you are not browsing the brand new instance with the default empty database ?
Do you find some old documents/folders in the main repository ?
Does the tenant admin console show something with the list command ?
Also in logs, you should have a line with :
[repo.tenant.MultiTAdminServiceImpl] [localhost-startStop-1] Alfresco Multi-Tenant startup - 11 enabled tenants, 0 disabled tenants
and one with :
[localhost-startStop-1] Alfresco started (Community Multi-Tenant). Current version: x.y.z (d rnnnnnn-b2) schema 8 022. Originally installed version: x.y.z