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Metadata can not be changed

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, I would like to develop a metadata is not editable in the document properties.

I have something like "protected" but it did not seem to work, do you know how?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
If you mean that you dont want your users to be able to edit a property in the property sheet when in edit mode you can always declare it as readonly="true" in the <show-property>-tag in web-client-config-custom.xml

For example to make the title attribute readonly:

    <config evaluator="node-type" condition="sc:doc">
            <show-property name="sc:title" readonly="true"/>

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I tried to do as you said, but it's the fact that for the last property only, before they are changed. I put my code, there may be a concern at this level.

<!– Displays the properties in view details page –>
    <config evaluator="aspect-name" condition="custom:Metadatacustom">
      <show-property name="custom:statutdocument" display-label-id="statusdoc"/>  
      <show-property name="custom:typedocument" display-label-id="typedoc"/>   
      <show-property name="custom:nomapplication" display-label-id="nomappli"/> 
      <show-property name="custom:versionapplicative" display-label-id="versappli"/>  
      <show-property name="custom:nomprojet" display-label-id="nomproj"/>  
      <show-property name="custom:listediffusion" display-label-id="listediff"/>   
      <show-property name="custom:datevalidation" readonly="true" display-label-id="datevalid"/>   
      <show-property name="custom:nomvalideur" readonly="true" display-label-id="valid"/>
      <show-property name="custom:daterelecture" readonly="true" display-label-id="daterelec"/>
      <show-property name="custom:nomrelecteur" readonly="true" display-label-id="relec"/>


Thank you.