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Maven SDK & RM Module

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi Guys,

I am trying to get an allinone maven 2.1 build which includes the RM module.  I can connect to share following build but I cannot get access to create an RM site.  I have followed the updated documentation here which specifies how to include the RM dependency and overlay it onto the webapps.  I can see that the overlay is being called for both the repo war and the share war but on successful build I still cant get access to create an rm site from share.  Any help on where I am going wrong appreciated:  The xml to include the rm overlays shown below:

Repo pom

            <!– <version>${alfresco.rm.version}</version> –>

       <!– Uncomment if you are using RM –>

Share POM

            <!– <version>${alfresco.rm.version}</version> –>


please note, I have also tried it with the standard version config ie

In my log file I can see the following (note also repeated for share)

Processing overlay [ id org.alfresco:alfresco-rm]
[INFO] getDestFile ():null
[INFO] getDestFile ():null
[INFO] getDestDirectory ():/devel/alfresco5-maven/epa-ecm-5/repo/target/repo
[INFO] Installing /root/.m2/repository/org/alfresco/alfresco-rm/2.3.a.1/alfresco-rm-2.3.a.1.amp into /devel/alfresco5-maven/epa-ecm-5/repo/target/repo

So it looks like it is working but I cannot create an RM site. 

Am I missing something I have meant to do.



Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Are you saying that the site Type "Records Management Site" is not available in the Type drop down when you login to Share via http://localhost:8080/share and create a new site?

Can you see the module installed in the logs?