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Mail Task Listener

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
In 5.11 there are listeners for ServiceTasks but my understanding is that we do not have any for the other tasks. Our requirement may need to have a listener for the mail task as we will need to send one when start or complete.

Is there a plan to add a config for a listener to a non-service task?

Also, on the listener subject - I am not sure if there is a resultVariable concept as it is for a serviceTask.

For example say I am running a listener at the start of a service task and execute a java expression. If a result is returned by this I want to set it in the process variables using something similar to activiti:resultVariable.

Any thoughts on this?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
> Is there a plan to add a config for a listener to a non-service task?

No, altough you can have regular execution listeners.

> I am not sure if there is a resultVariable concept as it is for a serviceTask.

No, only for the service and script task. Where would it makes sense otherwise

> I want to set it in the process variables using something similar to activiti:resultVariable.

You can do whatever you like in the listener, including setting a variable.
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