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lucene search or solr search problem

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, I have to perform a search in my project ,I am using alfresco 4.2C version .I have to perform a search on meta data level like first search folder name ,then search for document name ,then search for content inside the document.
I have tried with following query ,but it is not giving any result.
SELECT * FROM cmis:folder WHERE CONTAINS('"PATH:\\\"/app:company_home/stSmiley Frustratedites/cm:vcrqqongqqincqqtestqqcmp-Dummy/cm:vcrqqongqqincqqtestqqcmp/* AND @cm\\Smiley Surprisedn-going-Compliances AND TYPE:cm:folder )
this query is running but it is not giving any result.
please help me on this it is urgent for me………..

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
I didn't get what you mean ,do you mean to search documents under a specified folder whose content contains your keword?
If so you should write it like this

SELECT D.* FROM cmis:document D WHERE CONTAINS('your keword') AND IN_TREE('your folder id') ;

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi I mean to say that I have one folder tree when and in side folder we have document along with this we have one search option ,it means user can any name suppose xyz he has entered it may be a folder or adoument name or it may content in side a document .It should provide all the results.
I think this will be more clear.please give any example………..