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Login from another site

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello. I am doing an integration between a portal generator and alfresco.
Using web services I have managed to create users and spaces and give the correct permission each time I create a new portal.

I create a public user portal.public with his password. Everyone can read documents in the public section of the portal.
I want to have a link/button and get a alfresco session open when it is clicked as user portal.public.
I don't mind password expose because it is public but I don't want my users need to do a login.

Another problem I have is "User Options". Is there any possibility to disable it, at least, "change password"?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You could make the public area accessable by the Guest user (invite the Guest user) and then no login will be required.

To remove User Options you will need to edit one of the web-client JSPs. Look for the file jsp/parts/titlebar.jsp and remove or comment out this section from line 60-66:

               <td width=12> </td>
                  <%– user preferences –%>
                  <a:actionLink value="#{msg.user_console}" image="/images/icons/user_console.gif" showLink="false" action="dialog:userConsole" actionListener="#{UsersBean.setupUserAction}" id="link11_2">
                     <f:param name="id" value="#{}" />

