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Localization of <set ..> in share-config-custom.xml

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi there,

after going through a lot of stuff regarding Alfresco workflow development using AMP, including the excellent tutorials of @jpotts, I am getting nuts over one remaining issue: How can one localize the <set …> title in a custom share form?

I did try everything (as far as I can see): Different values for the label-id attribute, different places and namings of the messages files, checked over and over the bean declarations to include all these files, did a lot of test scenarios to identify the correct notation of the id without success … and googled the world up and down without any relevant result. But obviously it seems as I am too stupid to identify the right way.

Could anybody please help me with a hint, a URL, or a working example regarding the file structure, and how to set up a localized set title?

Thanks a lot!

Cheers Frank

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

please let me provide some more information:

The context.xml resides here: /<myApp>-share/src/main/amp/config/alfresco/web-extension/<myApp>-share-context.xml and contains:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC '-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN' ''><beans>    <bean id="${project.artifactId}_resources" class="">        <property name="resourceBundles">            <list>                <value>alfresco.module.${project.artifactId}.messages.eosWorkflow</value>            </list>        </property>    </bean></beans>‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Where ${project.artifactId} is <myApp>-share.

The properties file is here: /<myApp>-share/src/main/amp/config/alfresco/module/<myApp>-share/messages/


Where eos_rebill is the id of the set, and prop.eos_ocrInvoice is a property within the model (I did only add it here to test if anything works …).

The relevant set tag would look like this:
<set id="eos:rebill" appearance="title" />‍‍‍

The strange thing is that the context.xml is yet included (I can force errors whan invalidating code), but I can't see if the properties file is included nor how the id of the set tag (and btw: even the eosSmiley SurprisedcrInvoice property is not marked correctly) an be accessed.