10-28-2010 05:45 PM
10-29-2010 10:43 PM
I removed the ba\\ and just put 579666 and was still able to logon so it authenticated but still no properties. This accout was created to have full rights on AD, it was actually used when we were implementing IBM's lotus connections and it was able to import active directory data into that application. We had an IBM contractor come in and do that though and they used the 579666 pin to bind to AD.
Thanks again for your suggestions IMAD, definitley helping me narrow down the issue.
11-02-2010 10:19 AM
edit the file and change the content of tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/subsystems/Authentication/passthru/passthru-authentication-context.properties
coyp this file to file tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/subsytems/Authenication/passthru/passthru1/passthru-authentication-context.properties
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