03-27-2009 12:49 PM
04-01-2009 11:32 AM
<type name="cm:person">
<!– The tokenisation set here is ignored - it is fixed for this type –>
<!– This is so you can not break person lookup –>
<property name="cm:userName">
<constraint ref="cm:userNameConstraint" />
<property name="cm:homeFolder">
<property name="cm:firstName">
<property name="cm:lastName">
<property name="cm:middleName">
<property name="cm:email">
<property name="cm:organizationId">
<property name="cm:homeFolderProvider">
<property name="cm:defaultHomeFolderPath">
<property name="cm:presenceProvider">
<property name="cm:presenceUsername">
<property name="cm:organization">
<property name="cm:jobtitle">
<property name="cm:location">
<property name="cm:persondescription">
<property name="cm:telephone">
<property name="cm:mobile">
<property name="cm:companyaddress1">
<property name="cm:companyaddress2">
<property name="cm:companyaddress3">
<property name="cm:companypostcode">
<property name="cm:companytelephone">
<property name="cm:companyfax">
<property name="cm:companyemail">
<property name="cm:skype">
<property name="cm:instantmsg">
<entry key="cm:telephone">
04-02-2009 11:11 AM
03-23-2010 05:35 AM
11-04-2011 03:59 AM
well that works for me when i view my details but as an administrator when i edit other user account i can't see telephone field…I have the same problem… When i sync with job title, the job title field can't be edited but the value is null… I checked to my active directory is not null….
any ideas?
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