I am using activiti 5.16 and integrated with LDAP using these configuration.<blockcode><list> <bean class="org.activiti.ldap.LDAPConfigurator"> <!– Server connection params –> <property name="server" value="ldap://server" /> <property name="port" value="389" /> <property name="user" value="cn=name,ou=People,dc=jbpm,dc=org" /> <property name="password" value="pass" /> <!– Query params –> <property name="baseDn" value="dc=bpm,dc=org" /> <property name="queryUserByUserId" value="(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(cn={0}))" /> <property name="queryUserByFullNameLike" value="(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(|({0}=*{1}*)({2}=*{3}*)))" /> <property name="queryGroupsForUser" value="(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={0}))" /> <!– Attribute config –> <property name="userIdAttribute" value="cn" /> <property name="userFirstNameAttribute" value="cn" /> <property name="userLastNameAttribute" value="sn" /> <property name="userEmailAttribute" value="mail" /> <property name="groupIdAttribute" value="cn" /> <property name="groupNameAttribute" value="cn" /> </bean> </list></blockcode>After this for authentication and candidategroups are working fine. But if I want the users list, It is throwing errror. I am not sure where I am going wrong.
is.createUserQuery().userFullNameLike("gir").list(); —–> Returning the userinfo/Works fine
is.createUserQuery().userId("giri").list(); —–> Returning the userinfo/Works fine
But if i try to get the user list from particular group or simply the user list like this
It is giving error like
An exception occurred: org.activiti.engine.ActivitiIllegalArgumentException.
Am I doing it correct,to get the user list?