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Karaf 2.2.7: Resource not found when trying to read the bpmn

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, I created a simple process with single script task "Hello Task" that prints out "Hello World". Ran it through the junit test and it worked.
Then I tried to bundle it and trying to run inside the karaf and getting "Caused by: org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: resource 'HelloWorldProcess.bpmn' not found".

The Activiti engine bundle is installed in the karaf and successfully injected to the bundle.

Now I am trying to start that process by the code


But could never succeed to successfully read the file. I also dropped the HelloWorldProcess.bpmn under %KARAF_HOME%/etc folder and could not load it.

Please let me know what I am missing.

Also the DB that I am using is MySql 5.5 and could see the process definition in the table ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY. Is there any way to load the process from this table and start running it?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

The process should be deployed as a bundle in the Karaf container.  In my book I've a whole section that shows how to do this with a full example.
Make sure you use .bpmn20.xml as an extension since .bpmn is not read as a process definition in Activiti 5.9 (it will be in Activiti 5.10)

Best regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for the reply. The process is now read and started successfully.
Activiti (or any wfe) and osgi are new to me. Your ActivitiInAction is the only book that I am using now for evaluating the product and it helps a lot.
Sorry for any stupid question.

I thought the process definition id is same as the process name given in bpmn file. But I see the process definition as something like hello:1:25 for the hello process. How to know this suffix? Right now I am using the act:list command (commands downloaded from activiti-karaf) to know this suffix.

Thanks again.
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