Hello. I'm trying to implement a mechanism that shows each activiti task and it's state (before running/ while/ after/ failed) The failed activities are those which are active but has 0 retries. I retrieve this information using management service - managementService.createJobQuery().processInstanceId(<processInstanceId>).withException();
I tested it on several scenarios with parallel execution: 1.start-> parallel gateway ->two parallel scripts(good script and bad script)->end 2.start-> parallel gateway ->two parallel scripts (good script and bad script)->parallel gateway ->end 3.start-> parallel gateway ->two parallel scripts (good script and bad script)->each script reaches different end
The result is not what i expected: scenario 2 is good (i can retrieve the failed jobs) but 1 and 3 shows no data in the job table.
according to the documentation process finishes when all executions reach the all ends.
The question is: does any one have an explanation for that? Is this an activiti bug?
Although the process definition is valid bpmn, the best practice is to always add a join parallel gateway. But I agree it should not happen. The priority of this issue is not high though, because it's not best practice BPMN.