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Jeff Potts' Working With Custom Content Tutorial

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I am new to Alfresco and I using the Jeff Potts tutorials to get up to speed.

The Custom Content Tutorial is great, but I have a question on section 2 - 'Configuring Alfresco Share'. The instructions state to create XML file "share-config-custom.xml" and place it in directory "$TUTORIAL_HOME/content-tutorial-share/src/main/resources/META-INF". However, the full directory path does not exist. Should I create the directory path?

Note, I rebuilt the share AMP several times just in case the directory was missing due to an error in the creation of the AMP.

P.S. My development environment is MVN 3.2.1, Oracle JAVA-1.7, and Eclipse Keepler on Windows 7.
I will be running Alfresco Community 4.2.f. on linux, I have also downloaded Alfresco Community 5.0.a as an alternative.


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
Yes, that is the correct path. You should create the folder structure if it isn't already there. You can always look at <a href="">the source</a> if you have any question.

Thanks for reading!
