I would like to know if there's any way to iterate over the sets in *.form files. As far as I know EL doesn't support such functionality. Maybe it's possible to use groovy scripts inf *.form files and this is the way to make it.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can plug in your own form-rendering engine to render the forms, eg. using groovy (or freemarker) to render forms. There is an issue open (http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ACT-229) for adding a second engine by default, freemarker. Freemarker offers loop-constructs and other nice templating-features, which JUEL lacks.
For now, take a look at ProcessEngineConfiguration.customFormEngines to plug in your engine, org.activiti.engine.impl.form.FormEngine and org.activiti.engine.impl.form.JuelFormEngine for example implementation. To evaluate groovy, you can use the ScriptingEngines in activiti.
Thanks. In general I catch the idea but to be honest, don't know how to configure it. In a moment I'll check the examples. Now I just create a jar with ServiceTasks, TasksListeners and forms. Then I deploy this jar in activiti-rest/WEB-INF/lib so my question is how to create own instance of ProcessEngine?