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Issue with Symantec AntiVirus and Community 2.0/2.1 setup

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Symantec AntiVirus identifies a Backdoor.Trojan risk and automatically removes files related to AlfrescoCommunity-2.0-Setup.exe and Alfresco-Community-2.1R1-Setup.exe.  The Virus Definitions File is version 1/22/2008, rev. 56.

Not sure if I'm interpreting the output correctly, but it appears there may be Process.exe files in the associated "extras" (2.1) and "bin" (2.0, 2.1) directories that are matching the definition.  Symantec's action is "cleaned by deletion".

Is this a known issue?  What's the solution?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Symantec has been busy here too deleting process.exe files from .zips and bin and extra folders all associated with Alfresco downloads and installs going back to February 2007. Started identifying these late in the day yesterday. We don't know why all of a sudden now unless the files have been hacked since the last full scan (~a week).

Is process.exe needed? Alfesco seems to start OK without it.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Sorry to pull a very old thread and asking a question -

Is anyone facing these issues still (i.e., Alfresco 3.x) and what is the resolution for it?
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