I have a requirement to pass the grid data to the bpmn process. example:
SSN Name Income 1234 fox 3000 2345 king 5000 2367 raj 6000
As far as i know we can only pass the variable map(key,value) to the bpmn process. Is there any way to pass the above data.If yes then how to access the values of the above data in the process??
Hi jbarrez, Its not a string.i have a table with columns "SSN, NAME, INCOME".
I have an external jsp with form parameters same as columns "SSN, NAME, INCOME" which is attached to user task.
Question 1: i want to populate the table's data i.e., ssn, name, income onto form using ACtiviti bpmn. Question 2: is it possible to start the process with the table data instead of variable map.
Why not put all table-data in a variable-map? What is the issue with that? or store each record of a single row in a POJO that implements Serializable. Serializables can be stored in the process as a variable…