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Inviting new users to web projects

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

We have a few alfresco servers running Alfresco 3.0C.  As the repository got bigger, inviting a user to the web project is taking more and more time!  RIght now in one of our bigger repositories (about 100 folders and 200 files), it takes about 15-20 minutes (I'm not exaggerating, it actually takes this long) to invite a user.

Is Alfresco making copies of every single folder and file on staging and copying to the new user's sandbox?  Even so, it shouldn't take this long.  We're not worrying so much about performance, but more on scalability of the avm system.  If we have a powerpoint that's 25 megabytes on staging and 20 users, does the powerpoint gets copied to each of the user's sandbox by default?

Thanks for your response ahead of time.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
If you are adding a manager, what it is doing is going through each asset and adding the user as a manager.   It's a known issue, ETWOTWO-892, clearly a bit barmy, and in need of rework.   In fact the rework has happened and was fixed in Alfresco Enterprise 2.2 SP3. 

Content is not copied to each sandbox, so there's only one instance of each version of your powerpint file.   The wiki decribes a sandbox as a "sheet of glass" over your web project.   You have the web project underneeth and your sandbox on top.    Actually it's even more complicated since your workflow sandboxes are another "sheet of glass" above your author sandbox.

Hi Jack,

Thanks for the feedback. As Mark mentions, this permissions-related issue has been fixed in the latest releases, including also Enterprise 3.1 and Labs 3.2 Preview 1.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thanks for the quick and helpful reply!  So if I understand correctly, it's a known issue that's documented and fixed.

I've rated both of your replies to be helpful, and thanks for the help!

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