04-20-2022 03:10 PM
I'm trying to test the helloWorld transformer to get it run via ATS; I can get the local version working and this is against Enterprise addition.
I'm trying this with as much out of box code/configuration as possible. My starting point is:
No code here is custom, I've either commented some of the containers I did need or didn't have access too like control-center. So with that said, I did add some external volume because going the setup it seem like they need to be there. So the changes that have happened are:
05-31-2022 05:23 AM
Hi rstoops,
It looks like you're router is missing the config for the new transformer's URL.
I can see from the above that you have added it to ACS, but it is missing from the transform-router config.
Try adding the following to your transform-router config:
HELLO_WORLD_URL: "<transform-helloworld-url>"
transform-router: environment: JAVA_OPTS: " -XX:MinRAMPercentage=50 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=80" TRANSFORMER_ROUTES_ADDITIONAL_HTML_VIA_TXT: "/pipelines/custom_pipelines.json" HELLO_WORLD_URL: "http://transform-helloworld:8090"
05-31-2022 07:45 AM
Also the QUEUE name might be relevant.
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