06-25-2012 08:35 AM
06-25-2012 02:55 PM
06-26-2012 01:14 PM
06-26-2012 06:39 PM
06-28-2012 03:43 PM
persons ability to search for other sitesPeople cannot search for or find private sites. All other sites are searchable. If someone doesn't want their site to be found, they should make it private.
join unmoderated sitesCorrect, an unmoderated site is, by definition, not moderated. Anyone can join it. See previous point if you don't want that to be the case.
search for filesPeople can only search for and find files they have access to. If you have a file that should be private, set the permissions appropriately.
download filesThe application assumes that if you can read it you can download it. This is fine for the vast majority of users, but for some people that is not a safe assumption. Letting someone read a document in the application but not download it can be achieved through a customization. Several people have implemented this. This would probably be a nice addition to the product.
create new sitesThe application assumes that everyone in your organization is able to create a site. This is another example where we chose the most likely scenario, but it may not work for you. If you want to restrict who can create a site, you can do that through customization. This would also be a nice addition to the product.
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