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Integrating Activiti with Apache Camel

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I created simple component for integration of Activiti with Apache Camel (

There are two use cases:
- implementing receive tasks using camel, so that one can write camel route:
which signals activity with id receive in process simpleProcess i.e.
<receiveTask id="receive" name="Wait State" />
- implementing service tasks using camel, so that one can write:
and in process code sth like:
<serviceTask id="serviceTask" activiti:delegateExpression="${camel}"/>
(where var1 is name of process variable).

In the future I hope it would be possible to integrate it with OSGI deployment, especially when is resolved. It would be also good to find some nicer way of invoking camel from activiti process.

The code is on github:
I would be happy to contribute it to Activiti.

what do you think about it?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
thanks for feedback to everyone,

I think it would be easier to host both invocations camel->activiti and activiti->camel in same project. I guess it would be difficult for camel to have two separate components with one uri schema.  I think that most usecases would involve integration in both ways, anyway.

As for OSGi deployment of business archives/processes - it's already contributed I believe - in activiti-osgi module? At least I'm using it Smiley Happy
I agree that keeping DB and OSGi container in sync is tricky. I believe that the biggest advantage would be to be able to deploy java classes with process files - but for that classloading mechanism would have to be extended. There is already issue on that:

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Yes it only makes sense to have one module with the activiti-camel integration. The module should work both ways.

And that's what the current logic could easily be extended to do.
The Camel Component API has APIs for such use-cases (consumer and producer).


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Maciek, are you interested in bringing that code to Activiti codebase?
If yes, then here's instructions on how to get started as an Activiti developer:
We will guide you through all those steps and support you in making the contribution.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Tom,
yes, I would be very pleased to do this. I will send you  the contribution agreement and prepare the code to be included - add some docs, rename packages and so on.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Interesting initiative. Looking forward to it!

Can anybody maybe provide a small "near real life" example using it end to end? That would be really interesting to see the whole picture.

Since we currently started a project caring about the correlation of asynchronous responses (beside other stuff), could Camel handle that as well somehow? I currently assume the Camel stuff is stateless, or am I wrong on this?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
first version of code is already in svn - it still needs some changes, though. I will try to make some more decent example in next days and put it on my github

As for Camel - yes, it's basically stateless, however, there are some features that enable keeping state between exchanges, for example using With some effort, I think it would be possible to handle asynchronous responses - although I'm not really sure about it.

I read your blog about asynchronous responses - it looks really interesting, but looking at the post and camunda fox psi project but I still don't see how would you like to handle such situations - i.e. how would code & configuration look like.
But maybe this starts to become slightly non-activiti topic  Smiley Wink

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Okay, waiting for easy to understand examples 🙂

For PSI: We just started. Give us some weeks to present an easy to understand example for you in this case (working out of the box with Activiti and jBPM 3 :-)). We do this together with a customer in an enterprise environment with multiple clusters and huge amounts of processes. So hawtdb doesn't sound like an option 😉


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Just wanted to know how the Activiti - Camel module is going?
Is there anything the Camel community can do to help?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Any update on the examples and notes. Could you please point to where I can find them if they are already are?