12-20-2010 04:31 PM
which signals activity with id receive in process simpleProcess i.e.<receiveTask id="receive" name="Wait State" />
- implementing service tasks using camel, so that one can write:from("activiti:simpleProcess:serviceTask").setBody().property("var1").
and in process code sth like:<serviceTask id="serviceTask" activiti:delegateExpression="${camel}"/>
(where var1 is name of process variable).01-03-2011 07:56 AM
01-07-2011 05:40 AM
<serviceTask id="serviceTask" activiti:delegateExpression="${camel}"/>
(camelProcess is the processName). Exchange is created with empty body, and process variable values as properties (maybe some better solution is needed), and passed to the route, e.g.from("activiti:camelProcess:serviceTask")
will log contents to 'pl.touk' log appender and then create file in /tmp/activiti/serviceTask, with value of process variable var1 as content.<receiveTask id="receive" name="Wait State"/>
it can be invoked (signaled) by following camel route:
from( "file:///tmp/activiti/receive")
It scans /tmp/activiti/receive directory. When file appears, it's parsed as XML and attribute key is set as process business key. Then Camel component looks for process instance of camelProcess with this key, 01-07-2011 07:29 AM
sorry for the late reply. can you elaborate on what exactly you want to contribute to activiti?
fyi: we don't know camel, but we're interested in the integration.
01-07-2011 07:33 AM
01-07-2011 08:38 AM
01-07-2011 04:44 PM
01-08-2011 04:06 AM
01-08-2011 02:52 PM
01-08-2011 03:10 PM
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