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Installing on Linux - initdb: permission denied

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi all,

This is a very basic problem I'm running into here. I'm trying to install 4.0.1 EE on Red Hat. Installing via terminal, everything goes well until about half way through the install process I get the following error:

Error: There has been an error.
bash: /home/alfresco/alfresco-4.0.1/postgresql/bin/initdb: Permission denied

Done a bit of googling on it but I can't find any solutions to this, anyone else have an idea?

I'm doing the install as the root user, gave total permissions to the installer (alfresco-enterprise-4.0.1-installer-linux-x64.bin) and total permissions on the folder I was installing Alfresco to /home/alfresco/alfresco-4.0.1.

Any help here would be great.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Are you installing as Root, sudo root or as regular user?
I believe you have to run the install script as root or with sudo, or you wont have the PostgresSQL privileges.
(1) Download the install file
(2) chmod it to execute, >chnmod +x alrescoxxx.bin
(3) > sudo su - (and login)
(4) Change dirs to alfresco bin folder
(5) ./alfrescoxxx.bin

ALSO - Make sure you dont have Postgres already installed, you dont want any conflicts.