01-10-2013 09:26 AM
01-11-2013 04:53 PM
01-15-2013 04:58 AM
01-16-2013 06:36 PM
Changing alfresco-global.properties is clear, there is only one thing that i'm not sure when doing that; it is how to install alfresco, because when i do a simple install (or an advanced) it install PostgreSql stuff so then if i change only the connection properties will this work with MySQL?Yes, that is correct. The binary installer, by default, installs PostgreSQL. But Alfresco can run with several databases. If you don't want to run with the PostgreSQL that was installed, change the database properties as I described. But if you've already started your server, Alfresco has already created files in your data directory and it will expect those to match up with what's in your database. If you do not need to keep what is in your PostgreSQL database, you can simply delete the contents of your data directory (for you it is probably /opt/alfresco4.2.C/alf_data), change your db config to point to MySQL, and start the app server.
is there another way to install alfresco to work with MySQL for first time? (I've seen something like that with version 3.3, it ask if you want Alfresco to work with PostgeSql or MySQL)I don't recall whether there is a "use existing database server" in the installer or not. I always just download the WAR and deploy it myself which means I have to configure the alfresco-global.properties file manually and set up the database and other dependencies (pdf2swf, ImageMagick, LibreOffice, etc.) myself.
I wanna be sure how to "install" the connector Jar because on MySQL server I don't have TOMCAT folder.. I have only put the connector Jar under "/lib" but that seems not working.If you are using the installation created by the binary installer, you should have a tomcat/lib directory. In your case the tomcat directory lives in /opt/alfresco4.2.C.
One last thing; where is alfresco log? i've found under /opt/alfresco4.2.C/alfresco.log but i haven't found much informations about connection or errorsLook under /opt/alfresco4.2.C/tomcat/logs for catalina.out.
12-02-2015 05:20 PM
01-16-2013 08:45 PM
01-16-2013 11:34 PM
01-17-2013 10:05 AM
01-17-2013 07:01 PM
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