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instalar alfresco en windows 2003 server

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hola quiero instalar en windows 2003 server alfresco

la instalacion se sigue como el manual

Manually installing Alfresco on Windows platforms
This task describes how to install manually all the required components to run Alfresco on a Windows
To install on Alfresco manually:
1. Install jdk-6u7-windows-i586-p.exe with the default options.
2. Install mysql-essential-5.0.67-win32.msi with the following options:
a. Complete
b. Configure Now
c. Standard Configuration
d. Install As Windows Service
e. Launch Automatically
f. Root Password: ********
3. Install mysql-gui-tools-5.0-r12-win32.msi with the default options.
4. Install OpenOffice_3.0_Win32Intel_install_wJRE_en-US.exe with the following options:
a. Custom
b. Disable Java Runtime Environment
5. Unpack the Tomcat bundle file to C:\Alfresco.
6. To use the MySQL database, uncomment the following lines in the <extension>customrepository.
properties file:
a. db.username
b. db.password
c. db.pool.initial
d. db.pool.max
7. Add the JAVA_HOME system variable to point to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_7.
8. Place the MySQL JDBC driver mysql-connector-java-5.x.x-bin.jar into C:\Alfresco

esta es la linea que hay que seguir para instalar alfresco.
1)instalo jdk
2)mysql esential y sigo los  pasos
3)instalado mysql tools
4)instalo open office
5)mi duda esta en tomcat hay que instalar to C:\Alfresco siempre

alguien sabe de algun manual donde venga esta instalacion mas clara.
o lo haya instalado gracias

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
hola, te dejo el manual que segui yo el cual me ha servido para correr alfresco.

1. Requerimientos
Para poder instalar Alfresco se requiere previamente:
Instalar JDK
Importante Smiley Frustratede requiere tener instalado Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 5 o superior.
En caso de no tenerlo instalado, estos son los pasos a seguir:
1.   Descargar JDK desde la página
2.   Seleccionar un JDK 5 o superior y descargar en el sistema.
3.   Ejecutar el instalador del JDK descargado.
4.   Establecer la variable de entorno JAVA_HOME (C:\Sun\SDK\jdk).
5.   Modificar la variable de entorno PATH (C:\Sun\SDK\jdk\bin).
6.   Verificar que esta instalado, ejecutando en la consola : java -version
Instalar MySQL
Importante Smiley Frustratede requiere tener instalado MySQL 5.0.67.
En caso de no tenerlo instalado, estos son los pasos a seguir:
1.   Descargar MySQL desde la página
2.   Seleccionar la opción : Download (MySQL Community Server)
3.   Seleccionar la opción : Windows
4.   Seleccionar la opción : Windows Essentials (x86)
5.   Seleccionar : download y descargar en el sistema
6.   Ejecutar el instalador MySQL descargado
7.   Seleccionar la opción : Tipica (Typical)
8.   Configurar MySQL Server
9.   Seleccionar opción : Detailed Configuration
10.   Seleccionar como tipo de servidor : Server Machine (En caso de utilizar en producción seleccionar Dedicated MySQL Server Machine)
11.   Seleccionar para uso de la base de datos : Transactional Database Only
12.   Seleccionar la ruta de instalación
13.   Seleccionar como nº de conexiones concurrentes : Decision Support (DSS) OLAP
14.   Aceptar las opciones de configuración de red :Enable TCP/IP Networking , Port Number 3306 y Enable Strict Mode
15.   Seleccionar como caracteres por defecto : Best Support for Multilingualism
16.   Seleccionar que sea un servicio de Windows y que incluya el directorio bien en PATH
17.   Seleccionar las opciones de seguridad
18.   Introducir la nueva contraseña para el usuario root
19.   Seleccionar : Execute
20.   Verificar que esta instalado, ejecutando en la consola : mysql -u root -p. e introduciendola contraseña.

2. Instalación de Alfresco
Paso 1:Ejecutar el instalador de Alfresco en el sistema y seleccionar el idioma de la instalación.
Paso 2Smiley Frustratedeleccionar el tipo de instalación típica
Paso 3Smiley Frustratedeleccionar la ruta de instalación
Esperar hasta que cargue la configuración de la base de datos.
Paso 4Smiley Frustratedeleccionar la base de datos MySQL
Paso 5:Configurar las opciones de la base de datos
Paso 6:Confirmar la alerta de conexión establecida con la base de datos.

pruebalo y comentas que tal te ha ido.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hola gracias por tu respuesta, pero tengo varias dudas

¿utilizaste ese manual para instalarlo en windows 2003 server o fue en otro tipo de windows?

investigando por internert he visto que
en existe un enlace donde segun un manual puedes descargate todo en uno
copio el texto
esta en ingles

Installing on Microsoft Windows
In our earlier section, you have noticed that repository application server is the default deployment option chosen. This means that the out-of-box Alfresco installation is a typical web application where the web application server becomes the host for an embedded repository and is accessible through the HTTP protocol. In this section, we discuss the requirements and procedures for simple installation of Alfresco using the installer on a Windows platform.

The default installation of Alfresco software requires installing the Windows community version alfresco-<version>-windows-community.exe downloaded from the SourceForge project location ( At the time of writing this book the latest version was 1.4 and the installer file alfresco-1.4Preview-windows-community.exe is approximately 183 MB in size.

This installer will install:

Java Development Kit (JDK), version 5.0

MySQL database, version 4.1.16

Apache Tomcat, version 5.5.12

Portable Open Office, version 2.0.3

Alfresco, version 1.4 which is packaged as a Web Archive (WAR) file and deployed on the Tomcat server

To install and run Alfresco, you need at least 500 MB disk space and at least 512 MB RAM on the desktop or server.

Installation of Community Edition with Tomcat and MySQL
The following steps are a simple way of installing community edition with Tomcat and MySQL:

Start the installation of Alfresco by double-clicking on the Alfresco installer. You will see this first screen:

After you click Next at the bottom, you will see the license agreement screen. Accept the agreement and click Next

You will see the option to choose the installation folder. Let us install it in the default folder given by the installer, C:\Program Files\alfresco-1.4. Please note that you have the option to browse and select your chosen folder by clicking the  icon. Once you are done with the folder selection, click on Next.

In the next screen, you will be prompted to enter the passwords for the root and anonymous accounts of MySQL. This step involves installing MySQL database and setting the appropriate permissions for Alfresco application to connect to the database. You will need this password in case you want to access and perform manual Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations (CRUD) on the database. You can enter any password of your choice. Click on Next to proceed to the next screen.

You will be asked whether you want to install it as a service that Windows starts automatically when you log in as shown in the next screenshot, If you choose Yes here, it will install two services alfrescomysql and Apache Tomcat alfrescoTomcat on your Windows machine. For default installation, we recommend to use it as a service. The user need not worry about manually starting the database and the Tomcat server. Click on the Next button to go to the next screen:

Start the installation procedure by clicking the Next button. The installation will take a while and you will see a progress bar.

Once you are done with the installation, the final installation screen will be as shown in the screenshot overleaf. Do not forget to read the contents of the Readme file, as it contains information about using CIFS and some troubleshooting tips. Clicking Finish will launch the application.

Once you see the default page, you are sure that the application is successfully deployed and started. Wait a few seconds to allow Tomcat to start and fire up your web browser and browse to Since it is the first time you are using Alfresco, use admin as username and password.

Using HSQL or MySQL Database
Some windows installations of Alfresco are pre-Configured to use the HSQL database, but can easily be Configured to use other databases. HSQL is a light-weight database used for demonstrations or for building proof of concept applications. You can still use HSQL database and complete all the sample exercises given in this book. However, for production usage, you need to Configure a database such as MySQL.

To use MySQL database, install MySQL 4.1 or higher. To create a database, navigate to <alfresco_installation_folder>\extras\databases\mysql folder, and run db_setup.bat file. This creates a MySQL database named alfresco with a user account and a password of alfresco. If db_setup fails, this may be because either the MySQL service is not running or the MySQL command cannot be found. Either correct this or setup the Alfresco database and user manually by loading the db_setup.sql file into MySQL, for example, mysql -u root -p <db_setup.sql>.

To convert the default installation to MySQL, you simply need to remove three files from the tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension directory that are set to use HSQL. Those files are:


Installation Folder Structure
Let's take a peek into the installation directory C:\Program Files\alfresco-1.4 (from now on referred as <install_folder>) to look at the folders:

alfresco: All the shortcuts to installing, uninstalling, starting, and stopping Alfresco as a Windows service, and restarting, stopping, and starting Alfresco as a normal console application, from the Start menu of Windows point to this folder.

alf_data: All the Alfresco content and Lucene indexes are stored in this directory.

bin: This directory contains the sub-installations of Alfresco. The main installation script in the alfresco directory calls the sub-scripts in this folder to start the sub Alfresco Tomcat component of the installation, creating and setting up the permissions for the Alfresco MySQL database. This folder is very useful for people going for a manual installation rather than using an installer.

extras: Contains additional files such as a blank template for a records management file plan, which can be imported into the Alfresco repository.

java: As is evident by the name, this contains the Java Development Kit. All the Alfresco development is done using Java as the core programming language.

licenses: This directory contains the licenses for Alfresco, MySQL, Apache, and licenses for the other-third party applications used inside Alfresco.

mysql: This directory holds the MySQL database installation.

tomcat: Again, as evident from the name, this directory holds the Tomcat installation where the Alfresco application is deployed as a WAR file. You can see the alfresco.war file in "webapps" sub-folder of this directory.

PortableOpenOffice: This directory contains the entire portable Office suite installation that is used for word processing, spread sheet processing, etc.

The README file gives information about using CIFS and some troubleshooting tips.

You can uninstall the program by clicking the uninstall.exe application.

Starting and Stopping the Alfresco Application as a Service
The options for Alfresco service can be viewed by clicking Start | All Programs | Alfresco ECM - Community Network | Alfresco Service as shown in the following screenshot:

The various options in the above screenshot are discussed below:

Stop Alfresco ECM - Community Network service: This option is used to stop the Alfresco service. It stops the MySQL server and the Tomcat application server.

Start Alfresco ECM - Community Network as service: Use this option to start the service. This will start the MySQL server and the Tomcat server.

Install Alfresco ECM - Community Network as service: Choose this option if you want to install Alfresco as a service, if you have not chosen to do so during the original installation.

Unistall Alfresco ECM - Community Network as service: This option will uninstall Alfresco as a service. However, you can still run Alfresco using the normal console option.

Starting and Stopping Alfresco as a Console Application
The options for starting and stopping Alfresco as a console application can be viewed by clicking Start | All Programs | Alfresco ECM - Community Network | Run Alfresco. The options there are discussed below:

Stop Alfresco ECM - Community Network: This option is used to stop Alfresco. It stops the MySQL server and the Tomcat application server.

Start Alfresco ECM - Community Network: Use this option to start the Alfresco as a console application. This will start the MySQL server and the Tomcat server.

Restart Alfresco ECM - Community Network: Choose this option for stopping and restarting the Alfresco application.

Alternatively, you can always start, stop, and restart the Tomcat application server and the MySQL database server manually, by going to their respective directories. It gives more control to the user. However, the service option and console option give batch files to perform the start/stop procedures in a consolidated way, relieving the user of any unwanted errors.

Pero vamos lo que viene a decir es que en el enlace de arriba hay el de source hay un paquete que te puedes descargar que te instala

Java Development Kit (JDK), version 5.0

MySQL database, version 4.1.16

Apache Tomcat, version 5.5.12

Portable Open Office, version 2.0.3

Alfresco, version 1.4 which is packaged as a Web Archive (WAR) file and deployed on the Tomcat server

y  si de descargas el paquete
the Windows community version alfresco-<version>-windows-community.exe downloaded from the SourceForge project

y luego vienen unos pasos para instalar el tomcat

me gustaria saber si dicho manual es correcto para instalar al fresco o bien  que diferencia hay entre el alfresco normal y e windows comunnity version gracias

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hola, yo lo tengo corriendo sobre windows 2003 y el paquete que instalé es Alfresco-Labs-3c-Full-Setup.exe.
El java que estoy usando es: java_ee_sdk-5_01-windows.exe.
instalando estos dos paquetes deberias poder correr alfresco sin problemas.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Gracias por ayudarme ya me ha salido, ahora mi principal problema es saber como se pone el idioma al entrar con admin, admin en español, porque he hecho todos lo pasos, y me sale al logearme  login admin, contraseña admin, y idioma me aparece spanish y english eligo english, pero luego al logearme me pone todo en ingles, y me estoy volviendo loca nada me funciona.He puesto otro post.
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