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Include Tag in Web forms XSD file.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am creating an web form, In the xsd file I would like to call a jsp

i am using the following line in the xsd file and the jsp is uploaded to the root of the sandbox of the web project in the WCM

<xs:include schemaLocation="/content_browse.jsp"/>

While creating the web form, I  am getting the following error.

org.alfresco.web.forms.FormProcessor$ProcessingException: org.alfresco.web.forms.xforms.FormBuilderException: error parsing schema: at line 292 column 54: s4s-elt-must-match.1: The content of 'sequence' must match (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*). A problem was found starting at: include. 

Any help is highly appriciated, Thanks in advance


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I tried using a type in a .xsd file in which i have defined a simlpetype  and using the <include> tag in another .xsd file, I am able to access the firts  .xsd file through the include tag.

I not sure how could the jsp page could be accesed through the include tag. What are the things i need to take care while access the .jsp through the include tag.

Anyone's help is highly appriciated. Thanks in advance


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I was able to access the JSP through the Include tag.
The jsp resides in the root of the WCM web project. When the xsd calls the .jsp file the request goes through the Virtualization Server.  I am getting the errors while using the JCR API in the JSP and the JCR API Java classes would not be present in the Virtualization Server Class Path and the Jsp is getting complied Virtualization Server.

I understand that the Virtualization Server is only for preview. However the requests are going through the Virtualization Server in the above case.

I would like to know

1) Whether I am missing any configuration, so that this kind issue could be resolved or is there better way to do it.

2) is there a way to access the DM repository from the WCM through web forms

Any one help is highly appreciated.
